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Arbeit :: Detailansicht

Name: Rita Nkirote Nairuti
Name:Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Werner Zollitsch
Name:Ao.Univ.Prof.i.R. Dr.phil. Herwig Waidbacher
Typ der Arbeit:Masterarbeit
Sprache der Arbeit:Englisch
Titel der Arbeit in Originalsprache:Growth performance and survival rate of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) reared on diets containing Black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens L.) larvae meal
Titel der Arbeit in deutsch:Wachstumsleistung und Überlebensrate von Nil-Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) bei Einsatz von Alleinfutter, das Larvenmehl der Schwarzen Soldatenfliege (Hermetia illucens) enthält, in Kenia
Titel der Arbeit in englisch:Growth performance and survival rate of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) reared on diets containing Black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens L.) larvae meal
Volltext der Arbeit:Volltext der Arbeit im PDF-Format laden
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Abstract in Deutsch:Aquaculture continues to be an important source of high-quality protein for the global population. However, following the rapid growth and development of the industry, there is increasing demand for feeds rich in protein. Fish meal (FM) continues to be an important source of protein in fish feeds, but its sustainability has been questioned following the overexploitation, leading to its scarcity and high prices. To evaluate a promising alternative source of protein, a 72-day study was conducted at an experimental station in Kenya, to assess the effects of replacing FM with different proportions of black soldier fly larvae meal (BSFLM) in the fish feed on growth performance and survival rates of Nile tilapia. Four test diets were formulated with substitutions of FM by BSFLM made at 0%, 33.3%, 66.7% and 100%. 240 male Nile tilapia (52.3 ± 0.29g mean weight) were divided into 4 groups (4 replicates/group) and placed in 16 hapa nets (15 fish/hapa), mounted in an 800m2 earthen pond. Fish were fed twice per day at 5% of body weight. Sampling of the fish took place every two weeks; mortalities were recorded daily, while the physico-chemical parameters were monitored weekly. The growth performance and survival rates were not significantly different (p > 0.05) between treatments. In conclusion, the present study indicates that even full fat BSFLM can replace up to 100% of the FM without negative effects on the growth performance and survival rates of Nile tilapia. To improve the protein amount in the larvae, defatting is recommended before utilising it for fish feeds. Similarly, studies should be done to determine the contribution of the culture system to the substitution and utilization of the larvae. Additionally, economic viability should be examined before BSFLM is used commercially so as to determine the profit margins. Overall, Hermetia illucens protein could be a promising option to make O. niloticus feed formulation more economical and sustainable in the long term.
Abstract in Englisch:Aquaculture continues to be an important source of high-quality protein for the global population. However, following the rapid growth and development of the industry, there is increasing demand for feeds rich in protein. Fish meal (FM) continues to be an important source of protein in fish feeds, but its sustainability has been questioned following the overexploitation, leading to its scarcity and high prices. To evaluate a promising alternative source of protein, a 72-day study was conducted at an experimental station in Kenya, to assess the effects of replacing FM with different proportions of black soldier fly larvae meal (BSFLM) in the fish feed on growth performance and survival rates of Nile tilapia. Four test diets were formulated with substitutions of FM by BSFLM made at 0%, 33.3%, 66.7% and 100%. 240 male Nile tilapia (52.3 ± 0.29g mean weight) were divided into 4 groups (4 replicates/group) and placed in 16 hapa nets (15 fish/hapa), mounted in an 800m2 earthen pond. Fish were fed twice per day at 5% of body weight. Sampling of the fish took place every two weeks; mortalities were recorded daily, while the physico-chemical parameters were monitored weekly. The growth performance and survival rates were not significantly different (p > 0.05) between treatments. In conclusion, the present study indicates that even full fat BSFLM can replace up to 100% of the FM without negative effects on the growth performance and survival rates of Nile tilapia. To improve the protein amount in the larvae, defatting is recommended before utilising it for fish feeds. Similarly, studies should be done to determine the contribution of the culture system to the substitution and utilization of the larvae. Additionally, economic viability should be examined before BSFLM is used commercially so as to determine the profit margins. Overall, Hermetia illucens protein could be a promising option to make O. niloticus feed formulation more economical and sustainable in the long term.
Schlagwörter Deutsch:Schlüsselwörter: Hermetia illucens, Nil Tilapia, Fischmehl, Wachstumsleistung, Nahrungsprotein, Insektenmehl.
Schlagwörter Englisch:Keywords: Hermetia illucens, Nile tilapia, Fish meal, Growth performance, Survival rate, Dietary protein source, Insect meal, Defatting.
Organisationseinheit, auf der die Arbeit eingereicht wird:H93200 Institut für Nutztierwissenschaften (NUWI)

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